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Terms for subject Environment (26920 entries)
ground water level Grundwasserspiegel
ground water level Grundwassefluß
ground water level Grundwasser
ground water outflow Grundwasserabstrom
ground water pumping Extraktion von Grundwässern
ground weather radar Boden-Wetterradar
ground weather radar Boden-Wetterradargerät
ground-based monitoring network terrestrisches Überwachungsnetz
ground-based system Bodenmesssystem
ground-ivy Gundermann
ground-level concentration Oberflächenkonzentration
ground-level ozone Oberflächenozon
ground-level ozone bodennahes Ozon
ground-level ozone troposphärisches Ozon
ground-level ozone Ozonkonzentration in Bodennähe
groundwater (Water that occupies pores and crevices in rock and soil, below the surface and above a layer of impermeable material. It is free to move gravitationally, either downwards towards the impermeable layer or by following a gradient) Grundwasser
groundwater aquifer Grundwasser
groundwater endangering Grundwassergefährdung
groundwater endangering (Threat to the quality and quantity of groundwater by activities related to the use of land. As some activities (e.g. landfill) present a particular risk of pollution, the closer an activity is to a well or borehole, the greater the risk of the pumped water being polluted. The type of soil, the geology, the rainfall and the amount of water pumped out of the ground must all be taken into consideration) Grundwassergefährdung
groundwater extraction Grundwasserentnahme