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Terms for subject Cooking (804 entries)
garnish Einlage
garnish Garnitur
gastronomic specialties gastronomische Spezialitäten Andrey­ Truhac­hev
German farm bread usually a mixture of wheat and rye flours Bauernbrot
German spice mixture Lebkuchengewürz
German white-wine punch flavored with woodruff Maibowle
gherkin Cornichon
giblets -klein (Enten-, Gänse- etc.)
gilt-head sea bream Goldbrasse
ginger bread Lebkuchen
ginger root Ingwerknolle
goat's milk cheese Ziegenkäse
goodies Naschwerk
grated chocolate Schokoraspel
grating cheese Reibekäse
gravy Soße
green beans Brechbohnen
greens Blattgemüse
grilled cheese sandwich Käsetoast Andrey­ Truhac­hev
grilled chicken Hähnchen