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Terms for subject Medical (235561 entries)
determination of blood volume Blutvolumenbestimmung
determination of blood-groups Bestimmung der Blutgruppen
determination of cardiac output by body-heterogenic gas Fremdgasmethode
determination of parentage Elternschaftsnachweis
determination of spectacle-lens Brillenglasbestimmung
determination of the bronchial resistance Bronchialwiderstandsmessung
determination of the catecholamines and their derivatives in urine Bestimmung des Anteils der Katecholamine
determination of the time of death Todeszeitbestimmung
determination of the time of death Todeszeitpunktbestimmung
determination structure Determinationsstruktur
determining experience determinierendes Erlebnis
determining tendency determinierende Tendenz
dethyreoidism Dethyreoidismus
DeToni-Silverman-Caffey syndrome infantile kortikale Hyperostose
DeToni-Silverman-Caffey syndrome Caffey-Krankheit
DeToni-Silverman-Caffey syndrome Caffey-Syndrom
DeToni-Silverman-Caffey syndrome kindliche kortikale Hyperostose
DeToni-Silverman-Caffey syndrome Caffey-Silverman-Syndrom
DeToni-Silverman-Caffey syndrome DeToni-Silverman-Caffey-Syndrom
DeToni-Silverman-Caffey syndrome Roske-DeToni-Caffey-Syndrom