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Terms for subject Forestry (4632 entries)
discharged entladen
discipline Ordnung
discount Diskonto
disk Stammscheibe
dispatching of timber from the yard Holzabgabe
dispatching of timber from the yard Holzverabfolgung
disposing Deponi
dissolving pulp Chemiefaserzellstoff
dissolving pulp Chemiezellstoff
dissolving pulp Kunstfaserzellstoff
dissolving wood pulp Kunstfaserzellstoff
dissolving wood pulp Chemiefaserzellstoff
dissolving wood pulp Chemiezellstoff
distance driven Wegstrecke
distilled water destiliertes Wasser
district forest officer Forstamtleiter
ditches or drains Drainage
dividing log Abgrenzungshölzer zwischen verschiedenen Sortimenten
documents (shipping) Verschiffungsdokumente
documents (shipping) Verladungspapiere