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Terms for subject Chemistry (70318 entries)
crude acid Rohsäure
crude ammonia liquor Rohammoniakwasser
crude ammonia liquor Rohgaswasser
crude ammonia liquor Rohwasser
crude antimony Antimonium crudum
crude ash Rohasche
crude beeswax gelbes Bienenwachs
crude benzol Rohbenzol
crude cane sugar Rohrohrzucker
crude cream of tartare rohes Kaliumbitartrat
crude dipentene Rohdipenten
crude extract Rohextrakt
crude fiber Rohfaser
crude gas liquor Rohwasser
crude gas liquor Rohammoniakwasser
crude gas liquor Rohgaswasser
crude gas offtake Rohgasaustritt
crude glycerine Rohglyzerin
crude glycerol derived from the residues of soap-making rohes Glyzerin aus Seifenunterlaugen gewonnen
crude glycerol obtained by catalytic saponification rohes Glyzerin durch katalytische Spaltung gewonnen