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Terms for subject Environment (26921 entries)
breather Entlueftung
bred specimens of animal species gezüchtete Exemplare von Tierarten
breeching Rauchgasabzug
breeching Schornstein-Fuchs
breeding (The application of genetic principles to the improvement of farm animals and cultivated plants) Züchtung
breeding area Brutplatz
breeding bird Brutvögel
breeding bird (The individuals in a bird population that are involved in reproduction during a particular period in a given place) Brutvogel
breeding birds Brutvögel
breeding birds Brutvogel
breeding period/period of breeding Zeit des Brütens
breeding records Zuchtregister
breeding site Brutstätte
breeding stock Zuchtstock
breeding stock elterliche Zuchtstock
breeding technique (Term referring to the systems employed in animal rearing (extensive and intensive)) Zuchttechnik
breeding technique Zuchttechnik
brewer's residues Brauereiabfälle
brewer's residues Brauereirückstände
brewing industry Brauerei