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Terms for subject British (usage, not spelling) (8748 entries)
brass hat hohes Tier
brawn (chopped pig's head) Presskopf
Brazilianisation Brasilianisierung
break step! ohne Schritt!
break the mould den üblichen Rahmen sprengen
break the mould neue Wege gehen
breathalyser Alkomat
breathalyser Alkotester
breathalyser Promillemesser
breeding behaviour Brutverhalten
breeding programme Zuchtprogramm
Brenner's tumour Brenner-Tumor
brent goose (Branta bernicla) Ringelgans
brick shell Rohbau
brickie Maurer
brickie Maurerin
brief dialogue Kurzdialog
brightly coloured knallbunt
brill super
brill toll