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Terms for subject Environment (24838 entries)
zero tillage Nullbodenbearbeitung
zero tillage No-Till-Verfahren
zero-discharge technology Technologie der Nullableitung
zero-option Null-Variante
Zetek's frog Panama-Stummelfußfrosch
zinc (A brittle bluish-white metallic element that becomes coated with a corrosion-resistant layer in moist air and occurs chiefly in sphalerite and smithsonite. It is a constituent of several alloys, especially brass and nickel-silver, and is used in die-casting, galvanizing metals, and in battery electrodes) Zink
zinc containing drosses Zinkrückstände
zinc die cast dross Zinkrückstände bei Druckguss
zinc skimmings Rückstände aus der Zinkabschöpfung
Zino's petrel Madeira-Wellenläufer
zirconium detector Sauerstoffsensor mit Zirkonstift
zirconium oxide oxygen sensor Sauerstoffsensoren auf der Grundlage von dotiertem Zr02
zirconium sensor Sauerstoffsensor mit Zirkonstift
zitting cisticola Cistensänger
zoidiogamic plant Tierblütler
zoidiogamic plant tierblütige Pflanze
zoidiogamy Tierbestäubung
zoidiogamy Zoidiogamie
zonally averaged levels zonal gemittelte Werte
zoning (Designation and reservation under a master plan of land use for light and heavy industry, dwellings, offices, and other buildings; use is enforced by restrictions on types of buildings in each zone) Zoneneinteilung