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Terms for subject Environment (24838 entries)
Earth-Sun relationship (The Earth depends on the sun for its existence as a planet hospitable to life, and solar energy is the major factor determining the climate. Hence, conditions on the sun and conditions on Earth are inextricably linked. Although the sun's rays may appear unchanging, its radiation does vary. Many scientists suspect that sunspot activity has a greater influence on climatic change than variations attributed to the greenhouse effect) Erde-Sonne-Beziehung
earthflow Erdrutsch
earthquake (The violent shaking of the ground produced by deep seismic waves, beneath the epicentre, generated by a sudden decrease or release in a volume of rock of elastic strain accumulated over a long time in regions of seismic activity (tectonic earthquake). The magnitude of an earthquake is represented by the Richter scale; the intensity by the Mercalli scale) Erdbeben
earthquake precursor Erdbebenvorläufer
Earthshine Gegenschein
earthworm (Any of numerous oligochaete worms of the genera Lumbricus, Allolobophora, Eisenia, etc., which burrow in the soil and help aerate and break up the ground) Regenwurm
earthworm predator Erdwurmräuber
earwig Ohrwürmer
earwig (Any of various insects of the order Dermaptera, especially Forficula auricularia, which typically have an elongated body with small leathery forewings, semicircular membranous hindwings, and curved forceps at the tip of the abdomen) Ohrwürmer
ease of breathing Atembarkeit
easement (The rights of use over the property of another; a burden on a piece of land causing the owner to suffer access by another) Erleichterung
East Africa (A geographic region of the African continent that includes Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, Ethiopia and Somalia, and also Mt. Kilimanjaro and Lake Victoria) Ostafrika
East-West relations Ost-West-Beziehung
East-West trade (Trade between countries and companies of the Western hemisphere with those of the Eastern hemisphere (usually referring to former Communist countries of Eastern Europe)) Ost-West-Handel
Easter panther Ostamerikanischer Puma
easterly trough Trog mit östlicher Strömung
Eastern Asia Ostasien
Eastern Asia (A geographic region of the Asian continent bordered by the Pacific Ocean in the east that includes China, Japan, Korea, Macao, Taiwan and Siberia) Ostasien
Eastern cougar Ostamerikanischer Puma
Eastern Europe (A geographic region of the European continent west of Asia and east of Germany and the Adriatic Sea, traditionally consisting of countries that were formerly part of the Soviet Union, such as Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Serbia, Croatia and Bulgaria) Osteuropa