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Terms for subject General (31761 entries)
unification in the restriction process unifiering i restriktionsprocessen
Unified Patent Court enhetlig patentdomstol
uniform enhetlig
uniform uniform
uniform basis enhetlighet
uniform electoral procedure enhetlig valordning
uniform format for residence permits enhetlig utformning av uppehållstillstånd
uniform format for visas enhetlig visering
uniform methods of calculation enhetliga beräkningsmetoder
uniform rental uniformer, uthyrning av
uniformity enhetlighet
uniformity in knowledge representation enhetlig kunskapsrepresentation
uniforms uniformer
unify ena
unilateral statement ensidig förklaring
unilineal family unilinjär familj
unintentional threat oavsiktligt hot
uninteresting ointressant
union förbund
union facklig