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Terms for subject Environment (16275 entries)
home garden (A plot of cultivated ground adjacent to a dwelling and usually devoted in whole or in part to the growing of herbs, fruits, flowers, or vegetables for household use) trädgård
home garden trädgård
homepage (The preset document that is displayed after starting a World Wide Web browser, or the main World Wide Web document in a series of related documents) hemsida
homepage hemsida
homologation (The approval given by the judge of certain acts and agreements for the purpose of rendering them more binding and executory) överensstämmelse
homologation överensstämmelse
honey buzzard bivråk
honeyeaters honungsfåglar
hooded crane munktrana
hooded parrot gulmantlad parakit
hook-billed hermit bågnäbbskolibri
horizontal sand trap horisontalsandfång
hornbills näshornsfåglar
horned guan hornhocko
horse (A large animal with four legs which people ride on or use for carrying things or pulling vehicles) häst
horse häst
horticulture (The art and science of growing plants) trägårdsnäring
hospital (A place where people who are ill or injured are treated and taken care of by doctors and nurses) sjukhus
hospital sjukhus
hospital waste (Solid waste, both biological and non-biological, produced by hospitals and discarded and not intended for further use) sjukhusavfall