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Terms for subject Art (181 entries)
narrative literature skönlitteratur
National Archive of Recorded Sound and Moving Images Arkivet för ljud och bild
National Art Gallery Nationalmuseet
National Arts Council of Sweden Statens konstråd
National Board of Antiquities Museiverket
National Board of Film Censors Statens Biografbyrå
National Council for Cultural Affairs Statens Kulturråd
National Historical Museums Statens historiska museer
National Judicial Board for Public Lands and Funds Kammarkollegiet
National Librarian Riksbibliotekarie
National Library of Psychology and Education Statens psykologisk-pedagogiska bibliotek
National Library of Sweden Kungliga biblioteket
National Library of Sweden Sveriges nationalbibliotek
National Maritime Museum Sjöhistoriska museet
National Maritime Museum Statens sjöhistoriska museet
National Museum of Ethnography Folkens museum - etnografiska
National Museum of Science and Technology Tekniska Museet
National Swedish Museums of Military History Statens försvarshistoriska museer
National Welfare and Assistance Office for Workers in the Entertainment business centralorganet för social trygghet för anställda underhållningsbranschen
Naval Museum Marinmuseum