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Terms for subject Mathematics (4114 entries)
tensor product (of two tensors) tensorprodukt (av två tensorer)
tensor product (of two vectors) dyadisk produkt
tensor quantity tensorstorhet
terminal decision avslutande beslut
Terry's test Terry test
Terry-Hoeffding test Terry-Hoeffding test
test coefficient faktorladdning
test for sphericity Mauchly test
test of normality normalfördelningstest
test statistic testvariabel
testing of hypothesis hypotesprövning
tetrachoric correlation tetrakorisk korrelation
tetrachoric function tetrakorisk funktion
tetrad difference tetradskillnad
theoretical frequencies förväntad frekvens
theoretical variable teoretisk variabel
Thiessen polygon Thiessen polygon
Thomas distribution Thomasfördelning
Thompson's rule Thompsonsregel
three-dimensional domain 3-D domän