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Terms for subject Environment (7489 entries)
act (1. Something done voluntarily by a person, and of such a nature that certain legal consequences attach to it. 2. Documents, decrees, edicts, laws, judgments, etc.) seadus
actinide (A group of 15 radioactive elements some of which occur naturally while others are produced in nuclear reactions. They include plutonium, americium and neptunium. The health hazard presented by the actinides, if they are released into the environment, comes from the potency of their radioactive characteristics. They are alpha-emitters, and therefore can cause intense localized damage in tissues if absorbed into the body) aktinoid
actinium (A radioactive element of the actinide series, occurring as a decay product of uranium. It is used as an alpha particle source and in neutron production) aktiinium
action group (A collection of persons united to address specific sociopolitical or socioeconomic concerns) huvirühm
Action Plan on Sustainable Consumption and Production and Sustainable Industrial Policy säästva tarbimise ja tootmise ning säästva tööstuspoliitika tegevuskava
activated carbon (A powdered, granular or pelleted form of amorphous carbon characterized by a very large surface area per unit volume because of an enormous number of fine pores) aktiivsüsi
activated sludge (Sludge that has been aerated and subjected to bacterial action; used to speed breakdown of organism matter in raw sewage during secondary waste treatment) aktiivmuda
active participation (The involvement, either by an individual or a group of individuals, in their own governance or other activities, with the purpose of exerting influence) aktiivne osalemine
active population (The number of people available and eligible for employment within a given enterprise, region or nation) tööjõuline elanikkond
acute lethal toxicity akuutne letaalne toksilisus
acute lethal toxicity akuutne toksilisus
acute toxicity akuutne toksilisus
acute toxicity akuutne letaalne toksilisus
AD credit raadamisühik
AD credit raadamise vältimise ühik
Ad Hoc Working Group on Further Commitments for Annex I Parties under the Kyoto Protocol ajutine Kyoto protokolli I lisa osaliste täiendavate kohustuste töörühm
Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action ajutine Durbani tõhustatud meetmete platvormi töörühm
adaptable species kohanemisvõimeline liik
Adaptation Fund Kyoto protokolli kohanemisfond
adaptation period kohanemisaeg