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Terms for subject Medical (71193 entries)
vegetable material plantaardige stof
vegetable nutrition plantaardige voeding
vegetable nutrition vegetale voeding
vegetable virus virus van planten
vegetarian alimentation lactovegetarische voeding
vegetarian nutrition vegetarische voeding
vegetative vegetatief
vegetative basaloma basalioma vegetans
vegetative neurosis acrodynie
vegetative neurosis vegetatieve neurosis
vegetative reacting capacity reactiviteit
vegetative reactivity reactiviteit
vegetative reflex vegetatieve reflex
vegetative state plantebestaan
vegetative symptom vegetatief symptoom
vehicle carrier
vehicle vehiculum
vehicle of infection transmission overdrachtmiddel van een besmetting
vehicle sealed by the competent authority door de bevoegde autoriteit verzegeld voertuig
vein inflammation flebitis