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Terms for subject Environment (24932 entries)
Mediterranean Association to Save the Sea Turtle Organisatie voor de bescherming van de mediterrane zeeschildpadden
Mediterranean climate Middellandse-zeeklimaat
Mediterranean climate (A type of climate characterized by hot, dry, sunny summers and a winter rainy season; basically, this is the opposite of a monsoon climate. Also known as etesian climate) Middellandse-zeeklimaat
Mediterranean Environmental Technical Assistance Programme programma van technische bijstand t.b.v.het milieu in het Middellandse-Zeegebied
Mediterranean Environmental Technical Assistance Programme Programma voor technische bijstand ten behoeve van het milieu in het Middellandse Zeegebied
Mediterranean forest (Type of forest found in the Mediterranean area comprising mainly xerophilous evergreen trees) Middellandse-zeebos
Mediterranean forest Middellandse-zeebos
Mediterranean Information Office mediterraan informatiebureau
Mediterranean Sea Middellandse Zee
Mediterranean Sea (The largest inland sea between Europe, Africa and Asia, linked to the Atlantic Ocean at its western end by the Strait of Gibraltar, including the Tyrrhenian, Adriatic, Aegean and Ionian seas, and major islands such as Sicily, Sardina, Corsica, Crete, Malta and Cyprus) Middellandse Zee
Mediterranean Special Action Programme communautaire actie voor de bescherming van het milieu in het Middellandse Zeegebied
MEDiterranean Special Programme of Action communautaire actie voor de bescherming van het milieu in het Middellandse-Zeegebied
Mediterranean wood Middellandse-zeehout
Mediterranean wood (A plant formation found in the Mediterranean area comprising mainly lowgrowing, xerophilous evergreen trees and shrubs. It results mainly from the deterioration of the original vegetation by grazing and burning) Middellandse-zeehout
medium voedingsbodem
medium medium
medium hulpmiddel
medium kweek
medium grain category middelkorrelig
medium particle category middelkorrelig