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Terms for subject Environment (24932 entries)
leisure time (Time free from work or other duties; spare time) vrije tijd
lenitic ecosystem stilstaand-water-ecosysteem
lenitic ecosystem stilstaand-waterecosysteem
Lepidoptera Lepidoptera
Lepidoptera schubvleugeligen
Lepidoptera vlinders
lepidopteran schubvleugeligen
lepidopteran (A large order of scaly-winged insects, including the butterflies, skippers, and moths; adults are characterized by two pairs of membranous wings and sucking mouthparts, featuring a prominent, coiled proboscis) schubvleugeligen
lesion aantasting
lesion beschadiging
lesion laesie
less developed country (One of the world's poorest nations, typically small in area and population, with low per capita incomes, literacy levels and medical standards, subsistence agriculture and a lack of exploitable minerals and competitive industries) minder ontwikkelde landen
lethal change in the life cycle letale verandering in de levenscyclus
lethal change in the life cycle letale verloop van de levenscyclus
letter of access verklaring van toegang
leukaemia (A progressive, malignant disease of the blood forming organs; a distorted proliferation and development of leukocytes and their precursors in the blood and bone marrow) leukemie
level of education opleidingsniveau
level of education (A position along a scale of increasingly advanced training marking the degree or grade of instruction either obtained by an individual, offered by a some entity or necessary for a particular job or task) opleidingsniveau
levy (A ratable portion of the produce of the property and labor of the individual citizens, taken by the nation, in the exercise of its sovereign rights, for the support of government, for the administration of the laws, and as the means for continuing in operation the various legitimate functions of the state) heffing
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