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Terms for subject Construction (17440 entries)
compressor, air pump luchtpomp
compressor, air pump compressor
compulsory land purchase order onteigeningsbesluit
compulsory purchase for public purposes onteigening ten algemenen nutte
compulsory purchase of private property plan onteigeningsplan
compulsory purchase procedure onteigeningsprocedure
compulsory purchase value onteigeningswaarde van het onroerend goed
compulsory type mixer menger met geforceerde menging
computation of the price [costs] prijsberekening
computation, calculation, analysis of structures berekening
concentrated [single] load geconcentreerde last
concentrated [single] load puntlast
concentration of housing woonconcentratie
conception of town planning stedebouwkundige conceptie
concerted development gemeenschappelijke regeling
concerted development ontsluiten na overleg
conch gewelfkap
concrete batching and mixing plant betonmortelcentrale
concrete batching and mixing plant betoncentrale
concrete batching and mixing plant betonmortelbedrijf