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Terms for subject Mechanic engineering (23112 entries)
coil distributor ontstekingsverdeler
coil distributor verdeler
coil pitch spoelwijdte
coil section deelspoel
coil side spoelzijde
coil side separator scheidingsisolatie tussen spoelzijden
coil span spoelwijdte
coil/bar insulation spoelisolatie
coil/bar insulation spoelstafisolatie
coiled torsion spring spiraalschroefveer
coiling diameter of the rope opwikkelmiddellijn van de kabel
coking vervuiling
cold box gasscheidingsinstallatie
cold box cold box
cold circular sawing koud cirkelzagen
cold circular sawing and boring machine gecombineerde boor-en koudcirkelzaagmachine
cold circular sawing machine koudcirkelzaagmachine
cold circular sawing machine for bevels or miters verstek-cirkelzaagmachine
cold circular sawing machine for longitudinal sections platenzaagmachine
cold drive koud klinken