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Terms for subject Finances (30174 entries)
authorised retailer erkend detaillist
authorised warehousekeeper erkende entrepothouder
authorising department ordonnateursdienst
authorising officer ordonnateur
authorising officer by delegation gedelegeerd ordonnateur
authorising officer by delegation and subdelegation ordonnateur
authorising officer by subdelegation gesubdelegeerd ordonnateur
authorities responsible for giving discharge autoriteiten die kwijting verlenen
authority autorisatie-instantie
authority autoriteit
authority authorised to furnish the certification autoriteit die tot afgifte van de verklaringen bevoegd is
authority for withdrawal machtiging tot terugbetaling
authority for withdrawal order van betaling
authority keys authenticatiesleutels
authority making the request verzoekende administratie
authority or body concerned betrokken instantie of instelling
authority or institution authorised to furnish the certification autoriteit of instantie die tot afgifte van de verklaringen bevoegd is
authority responsible for collecting payment met de inning belaste instantie
authority responsible for supervision the certification system instantie die belast is met de controle op de naleving van de certificeringsregeling
authority to pay duplicaat-postwissel