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Terms for subject Environment (24932 entries)
judgement (decision) besluit
judgement (decision) oordeel
judgement (decision) uitspraak
judgement (The official and authentic decision of a court of justice upon the respective rights and claims of the parties to an action or suit therein litigated and submitted to its determination. The final decision of the court resolving the dispute and determining the rights and obligations of the parties. The law's last word in a judicial controversy, it being the final determination by a court of the rights of the parties upon matters submitted to it in an action or proceeding; sentence) vonnis
judicial assistance rechtsbijstand
judicial assistance (A program sponsored or administered by a government to guide through and represent in court proceedings persons who are in financial need and cannot afford private counsel) rechtsbijstand
judicial body (Any public organization or branch of government responsible for the administration of justice or the enforcement of laws) rechterlijk orgaan
Judicial Investigative Team for North Sea Environmental Offences Justicieel Opsporingsteam Milieudelicten Noordzee
judicial system (Entire network of courts in a particular jurisdiction) rechtsstelsel
judiciary rule rechtsregel
judiciary rule (Specific norms, regulations and precedents governing the conduct, procedure and arrangement of a judicial system, its various divisions and its officers) rechtsregel
junk sub bezinkselvanger
junk sub sedimentvanger
juridical act (Acts relating to the administration of justice) gerechtelijke handeling
juridical act gerechtelijke handeling
juridical act juridische handeling
jurisdiction (The power of a court to hear and decide a case or make a certain order) rechtsgebied
jurisprudence (The science or philosophy of law) jurisprudentie
JUSSCANNZ Japan, Verenigde Staten, Zwitserland, Canada, Australië, Noorwegen, Nieuw-Zeeland
justice (The correct application of law as opposed to arbitrariness) gerechtigheid