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Terms for subject Environment (22999 entries)
paint (A mixture of pigment and a vehicle, such as oil or water, that together form a liquid or paste that can be applied to a surface to provide an adherent coating that imparts colour to and often protects the surface) verf
paint or varnish removal verf-en lakverwijdering
paint room verfkamer
paint room (A portion of space within a commercial establishment that is used for applying coloring substances to certain products or materials, providing a decorative or protective coating) verfkamer
paint shop (A shop where paint and related items are sold) verfwinkel
paint shop verfwinkel
paint, inks, adhesives and resins verf, inkt, lijm en hars
painting business schildersbedrijf
painting business (A commercial service through which paint, a decorative or protective coating product, or similar products are applied to the interiors and exteriors of buildings and other surfaces) schildersbedrijf
palaeoclimatology (The study of paleoclimates throughout geologic time, and of the causes of their variations, on either a local or a worldwide basis. It involves the interpretation of glacial deposits, fossils and sedimentologic and other types of data) paleoklimatologie
palaeoecology paleo-ecologie
palaeoecology (The application of ecological concepts to fossil and sedimentary evidence to study the interactions of Earth surface, atmosphere, and biosphere in former times) paleo-ecologie
palaeontology (The study of life in past geologic time, based on fossil plants and animals and including phylogeny, their relationship to existing plants, animals, and environments, and the chronology of the Earth's history) paleontologie
palm cockatoo palmkaketoe
palm grove palmboomgaard
Palsa mire palsa-veen
Pan-European Conference on forest protection paneuropese conferentie inzake bosbescherming in Europa
Pan-European Forest Certification Project pan-Europees boscertificeringsinitiatief
Pan-European Ministerial Conference on Environment Pan-Europese Conferentie van Milieuministers
Pannonian white-oak wood pannonisch witte-eikenbos