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Terms for subject Environment (22999 entries)
bacon and eggs rolklaver
bacteria bed arm draaisproeier voor oxydatiebed
bacteria feeding on oil genetisch gemodificeerde bacterien die zich met olie voeden
bacterial and aerobic processes bacteriële en aërobe processen
bacterial and fungal flora of the soil bacteriën- en zwammenflora van de bodem
bacterial bed oxydatiebed
bacterial bed (A device that removes some suspended solids from sewage. Air and bacteria decompose additional wastes filtering through the sand so that cleaner water drains from the bed) oxydatiebed
bacterial filter bacteriefilter
bacterial heap leaching bacteriële uitloging
bacterial heap leaching uitloging door bacteriële accumulatie
bacterial pollution bacteriële verontreiniging
bacterial tuft bacterievlok
bactericide (An agent that destroys bacteria) bactericide
bactericide bactericide
bacteriological pollution (Contamination of water, soil and air with pathogen bacteria) bacteriologische verontreiniging
bacteriological pollution bacteriologische verontreiniging
bacteriological sample bacteriologisch monster
bacteriology (The science and study of bacteria) bacteriologie
bacterium bacteriën
bacterium (Group of single-cell micro-organisms, the smallest of the living organisms. Some are vital to sustain life, while others are responsible for causing highly dangerous human diseases, such as anthrax, tetanus and tuberculosis. Bacteria are found everywhere, in the soil, water and air) bacteriën