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Terms for subject Environment (23140 entries)
armadillos armadili
armament (The weapons, ammunition and equipment, or the total force held by a military unit or state) armamento
armament armamento
armament conversion (Change in character, form or function of the arms and equipment with which a military unit is supplied) conversione degli armamenti
armament conversion conversione degli armamenti
armed forces (The military units of a state, typically divided by their differing contexts of operations, such as the army, navy, air force and marines) forze armate
armed tapeworm Taenia solium
armed tapeworm Taenia armata
armed tapeworm Taenia dentata
aromatic compound (Compounds characterized by the presence of at least one benzene ring) composto aromatico
aromatic hydrocarbon idrocarburi aromatici
aromatic hydrocarbon (Hydrocarbons having an unsaturated ring containing alternating double and single bonds, especially containing a benzene ring) idrocarburi aromatici
aromatic substance (Substance having a distinctive, usually fragrant smell) sostanza aromatica
aromatic substance sostanza aromatica
arrangement for a deposit on packaging accordo sulla cauzione
arrangement for a deposit on packaging (Agreement to provide refunds or payments in exchange for used bottles or packaging materials) accordo sulla cauzione
arrester cappa
arrester captatore
arsenic (A toxic metalloid element, existing in several allotropic forms, that occurs principally in realgar and orpiment and as the free element. It is used in transistors, lead-based alloys, and high temperature brasses) arsenico
art (The creation of works of beauty or other special significance) arte