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Terms for subject Banking (2390 entries)
takeover agreement contratto prestito
takeover financing finanziamento di rilevamenti aziendali
takeover price prezzo di presa a fermo
tangible assets valore materiale
tax at source imposta allo fonte
tax at source ritenuto olla fonte
tax authorities fisco
tax benefits privilegi fiscali
tax evasion frode fiscale
tax evasion evasione fiscale
tax on capital stock imposto patrimoniale
tax on capital stock imposta sul patrimonio
tax on capital stock imposta patrimoniale
tax on income derived from capital imposta sul reddito di capitale
tax on interest from bonds imposta cedolare
tax on interest from bonds imposta sulle cedole
tax on investment income imposta sul reddito di capitale
tax on revenue imposto sul reddito
tax on revenue imposta salariale
tax on the formation of companies tassa di costituzione