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Terms for subject Medical (170587 entries)
active congestion congestione attiva
active congestion iperemia attiva
active congestion afflusso di sangue
active congestion flussione
active congestion of the lung peripolmonite
active congestion of the lung pleurocorticalite
active congestion of the lung pleuropolmonite
active congestion of the lung congestione polmonare
active drug release device dispositivo di rilascio controllato di sostanze attive
active exercise esercizio attivo
active factor VII convertina
active factor VII fattore Vila
active factor VII fattore VII attivo
active focus focolaio attivo
active focus focus attivo
active hyperaemia congestione attiva
active hyperaemia iperemia arteriosa
active hyperaemia iperemia attiva
active hyperemia congestione attiva
active hyperemia iperemia arteriosa