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Terms for subject Procedural law (855 entries)
shared residence coaffido
shared residence coaffido a residenza alternata presso la casa familiare
shared residence affidamento condiviso
shared residence affidamento congiunto
shared residence affido condiviso
shared residence coaffido a residenza alternata
single adopter adottante unico
single person celibe
single person nubile
single person persona non coniugata
single person single
single scheme regime unitario
society, help and comfort owed by one spouse to another mutua assistenza tra coniugi
society, help and comfort owed by one spouse to another obbligo reciproco dei coniugi all'assistenza morale e materiale
sole adopter adottante unico
sole adoptive parent adottante unico
solemnization of marriage celebrazione del matrimonio
some countries grant a certain reserved portion to the surviving spouse legittimario
specific programme "Civil justice" programma specifico "Giustizia civile"
stand as offended party costituirsi parte civile