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Terms for subject Medical (81322 entries)
lack of foetal mobility manglende fosterbevægelser
lack of hygiene mangel på hygiene
lack of ideas idéfattigdom
lack of interest mangel på interesse
lack of movement akinesi
lack of muscle tone atoni
lack of periods amenorrhoea
lack of self confidence manglende selvtillid
lack of sense of personal worth manglende følelse af eget værd
lack of sense of smell anosmi
lack of sperm azoospermia
lack of uric acid in the blood TU
lack of white blood cells granulocytopeni
lacrimal tåre-
lacrimal lacrimalis
lacrimal lacrimal
lacrimal bones tåreben
lacrimal caruncle caruncula lacrimalis
lacrimal conjunctivitis conjunctivitis neonatorum
lacrimal conjunctivitis conjunctivitis lacrimalis