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Terms for subject Environment (23644 entries)
ironworks industry jernværksindustrien
irradiation (To subject to or treat with light or other electromagnetic radiation or with beams of particles) bestråling
irradiation dose stråledosis
irradiation dose strålingsdosis
irradiation of the gonads produces transmissible mutations bestråling af gonaderne fører til arvelige mutationer
irreversibility of the phenomenon (That quality of a process that precludes a prior state from being attained again) fænomenets irreversibilitet
irreversibility of the phenomenon fænomenets irreversibilitet
irrigation vanding
irrigation (1. To supply land with water so that crops and plants will grow or grow stronger) kunstvanding
irrigation canal (A permanent irrigation conduit constructed to convey water from the source of supply to one or more farms) vandingskanal
irrigation canal vandingskanal
irrigation farming (Farming based on the artificial distribution and application of water to arable land to initiate and maintain plant growth) landbrug med kunstig vanding
irrigation system (A system of man-made channels for supplying water to land to allow plants to grow) vandingsanlæg
irrigation system overrislingsanlæg
irrigation system vandingsanlæg
island ø
island (A land mass, especially one smaller than a continent, entirely surrounded by water) ø
island ecosystem en øs økosystem
island ecosystem (Unique but fragile and vulnerable ecosystems due to the fact that the evolution of their flora and fauna has taken place in relative isolation. Many remote islands have some of the most unique flora in the world; some have species of plants and animals that are not found anywhere else, which have evolved in a specialized way, sheltered from the fierce competition that species face on mainland) en øs økosystem
island State østat