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Terms for subject Social science (5218 entries)
Alcoholics Anonymous Anonyma Alkoholister
allergenic effect allergen virkning
allergenic effect allergifremkaldende virkning
allocation of priorities and preferences fortrinsadgang til arbejde
allocation of priorities and preferences fortrinsstilling til beskæftigelse
allowance for attendance at special schools tilskud til elever i specialskoler
allowance for blind persons ydelse til blinde
allowance for disabled persons ydelse til handicappede
allowance for handicapped persons ydelse til handicappede
allowance for persons suffering from a serious mental disability ydelse til alvorligt mentalt retarderede
allowance for seriously disabled persons ydelse til alvorligt handicappede
allowance for spasmophiliacs ydelse til spasmofile
allowance for the blind ydelse til blinde
allowance for the civilian blind godtgørelse til blinde
allowance for young children up to the age of three months småbørnsydelse, der udbetales, indtil barnet er tre måneder gammelt
allowance granted to the first child ydelser for det første barn
allowance paid from another source tillæg ydet fra anden side
allowance to promote integration integrationsydelse
allowance to promote integration ydelse til indpasning
alpha assistance alpha-hjælp