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Terms for subject Government, administration and public services (1008 entries)
after-school centre fritidshjem
after-school centre skolefritidsordning
allowance paid automatically tilskud der ydes automatisk
allowance payable in respect of the child børnetilskud
alternative service civil tjeneste
amicable settlement mindelig ordning
an inquiry has been held on the instructions of the Disciplinary Board Disciplinærrådet har iværksat en undersøgelse
anaesthetists' fees udgifter til bedøvelse
analytical assistant assisterende analytiker
annual net income from employment nettoåarsindtægt af erhverv
annual net income from employment årlig erhvervsindtægt
annual renewal date forsikringsperiodes udløb
annual requirements in appropriations and posts årlige bevillings- og personalebehov
appeal assessor den ansvarlige for en appelleret bedømmelse
Appeals Board Klageudvalget for Den Europæiske Unions Institut for Sikkerhedsstudier
Appeals Board of the European Union Institute for Security Studies Klageudvalget for Den Europæiske Unions Institut for Sikkerhedsstudier
application for leave ferieansøgning
application for reimbursement refusionsansøgning
application with supporting medical evidence begrundet ansøgning, som skal vedlægges lægeerklæring el.lign.
apply for a patent anmelde patentrettigheder