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Terms for subject Environment (21756 entries)
unburnt hydrocarbon uforbrændt carbonhybrid
unburnt hydrocarbon ubrændt carbonhydrid
unburnt hydrocarbon ubrændt kulbrinte
unburnt hydrocarbon uforbrændt carbonhydrid
unburnt hydrocarbon uforbrændt kulbrinte
uncertainty factor usikkerhedsfaktor
uncontrolled dump (Place where waste is left on the ground and not buried in a hole) ukontrolleret depot
uncontrolled dump ukontrolleret depot
uncontrolled dumping ukontrolleret losseplads
uncultivated land uopdyrket jord
under the proposed conditions of use under de påtænkte brugsbetingelser
underbrush underskov
underbrush kratskov
undercut line brandbælte på skråning
underground biomass underjordisk biomasse
underground disposal (The discharge, dumping or emission of wastes below the surface of the soil) underjordisk losseplads
underground disposal underjordisk losseplads
underground dump underjordisk depot
underground dump (Any subterranean or below-ground site in which solid, or other, waste is deposited without environmental controls) underjordisk depot