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Terms for subject Environment (21756 entries)
occupational safety regulation arbejdssikkerhedsregler
occupational safety regulation (Law enacted to reduce the incidence among workers of personal injuries, illnesses, and deaths resulting from employment) arbejdssikkerhedsregler
occurrence of non-compliance tilfælde af ikke-overensstemmelse
ocean (The mass of water occupying all of the Earth's surface not occupied by land, but excluding all lakes and inland seas) ocean
ocean circulation (Water current flow in a closed circular pattern within an ocean) cirkulation i verdenshavene
ocean circulation havcirkulation
ocean current (A net transport of ocean water along a definable path) havstrøm
ocean current havstrøm
ocean disposal udledning i havet
ocean disposal dumpning af affald i havet
ocean dumping (The process by which pollutants, including sewage, industrial waste, consumer waste, and agricultural and urban runoff are discharged into the world's oceans. These pollutants arise from a myriad of sources) dumpning i havet
ocean exploitation (The utilization of the ocean for its food resources, mineral resources, and energy and water sources) udnyttelse af havet
ocean exploitation udnyttelse af havet
ocean noise undervandsstøj
ocean outfall udledning til havet
ocean outfall kloak udledning i havet
ocean outfall (The mouth or outlet of a river, drain, sewer or any other place at which drainage or wastewater is discharged into a body of oceanic water) udledning til havet
ocean temperature (A measure, referenced to a standard value, of the heat or coldness in a body of oceanic water) havtemperatur
ocean temperature havtemperatur
ocean-air interface grænseflade mellem hav og luft