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Terms for subject Patents (6232 entries)
official licence licens meddelt ex officio
official licence offentligt meddelt licens
oil dispersants oliedispergeringsmidler
oil for the preservation of masonry murværkskonserveringsolier
oil-well testing testning af oliekilder
oils olier
oils and greases olier og smørefedt
oils, creams and lotions for the skin olier, cremer og lotioner til huden
olive oils olivenolie
omitted act undladelse
on application to the Office efter indgivelse af begæring (herom) til Varemærkemyndigheden
on grounds of equity ud fra rimelighedshensyn
on grounds of fairness ud fra rimelighedshensyn
on request efter ansøgning
on-line distribution of audiovisual entertainment onlinedistribution af audiovisuel underholdning
on-line distribution of computer software over the Internet and similar computer networks online distribution af computersoftware over Internettet og lignende datanetværk
operating and user instruction manuals betjenings- og brugervejledninger
operational business services forretningsdrift
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