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Terms for subject Education (3574 entries)
Centre for Educational Research and Innovation Centret for Uddannelse, Forskning og Innovation
Centre for further and higher education Center for Videregående Uddannelse
Centre for Information on Mobility and Academic Equivalence Informationscenter for Mobilitet og Akademisk Ækvivalens
Centre for supervised study and recreation lektielæsningslokale
certificate diplom
certificate eksamensbevis
certificate from a primary school bevis for folkeskoleuddannelse
certificate from a primary school folkeskolecertifikat
certificate of promotion erklæring om oprykning
certificate of promotion oprykningsdokument
certificate of promotion oprykningspapir
certification godskrivning
certification meritering
certification of learning outcomes kompetencecertificering
Chairman of the Administrative Board formand for administrationsrådet
Chairman of the Board of Governors formand for Det øverste Råd
Chairman of the Examining Board formand for eksamenskommissionen
change agent forandringsagent
changes in working hours ændring af arbejdstiden
check list erindrings- og kontrolliste til brug ved nødvendige undersøgelser og behandlinger