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Terms for subject Proverb (16316 entries)
use (one's) wits напрягать извилины.V
use (one's) wits шевелить мозгами
use words lightly бросать слова на ветер
use your head to save your heels дурная голова ногам покоя не даёт 'More
used as praise words or as jocular self- advertising to mean: good hands always make good things such carpenters, such chips дело мастера боится
used ((sarcastically) when a person gets rid of a useless thing by way of giving it to somebody as a gift) it is gloucestershire kindness на тебе, боже, что нам негоже
used ((sarcastically) when a person gets rid of a useless thing by way of giving it to somebody as a gift) it is gloucestershire kindness на тебе, боже, что мне негоже
used ((sarcastically) when a person gets rid of a useless thing by way of giving it to somebody as a gift) it is gloucestershire kindness на тебе, убоже, что мне негоже
used ((sarcastically) when a person gets rid of a useless thing by way of giving it to somebody as a gift) it is gloucestershire kindness на тебе, убоже, что нам негоже
used to mean: it is none of our (my) business and no concern of ours (mine) he cares not whose child cry, so his laugh наше дело сторона
used to mean: it is none of our (my) business and no concern of ours (mine) he cares not whose child cry, so his laugh моё дело сторона
used to mean: you'll never overcome that obstacle, it's too big for you you can't knock down a wall with a pea-shooter лбом стены не прошибешь
used to mean: you'll never overcome that obstacle, it's too big for you you can't knock down a wall with a pea-shooter лбом стену не прошибешь
used to mean: you'll never overcome that obstacle, it's too big for you you can't knock down a wall with a pea-shooter лбом стенку не прошибешь
used, abused and refused поматросил и бросил astrom­a1978
utterly irrelevant ни к селу ни к городу
vacancy is a chance to take at first glance свято место пусто не бывает
vacancy is a chance to take at first glance свято место не будет пусто
vacancy is a chance to take at first glance святое место пусто не бывает
vacancy is a chance to take at first glance святое место не будет пусто