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Terms for subject Environment (5316 entries)
flavouring вкусовая добавка
flea блоха
flexible approach to environmental protection гибкий подход к вопросам охраны окружающей среды
flocculant флоккулянт
flocculant mixing tank смесительный бак для флокулянта
flora реестр флоры
flora restoration восстановление флоры
flotation флотация
flow field поле течения
flow rate течение
flower цветок
flowering plant цветочное растение
flowing water потоки воды
flue gas отходящий газ
fluidics струйная технология
fluidised bed (1. A system for burning solid carbonaceous fuel efficiently and at a relatively low temperature, thus minimizing the emission of pollutants. The fuel is crushed to very small particles or a powder and mixed with particles of an inert material. The mixture is fed into a bed through which air is pumped vertically upwards, agitating the particles so they behave like a fluid. The forced circulation of air and the small size and separation of fuel particles ensures efficient burning. 2. A bed of finely divided solid through which air or a gas is blown in a controlled manner so that it behaves as a liquid) псевдоожиженный слой
fluidization флюидизация
flushing промывка
fluvial resource речной ресурс
fly ash летучая зола