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Terms for subject Gymnastics (5083 entries)
stoop dismount 支撑后摆屈体下
stoop handspring 前手翻屈体腾越
stoop in 前上转肩
stoop shoot 穿腿
stoop through 斯托尔德回环
stoop through 穿腿正握分腿后回环
stoop through 穿腿
stoop through backwards 屈体向后摆越
stoop through into one full el-grip giant 前上转肩成扭臂握
stoop through to rear support 支撑屈体摆越成后撑
stoop vault 屈体腾越
stoop vault over the bar 屈体腹腾越
stoop vault over the bar 屈体杠越
stoop-thru into full L-grip giant 前上转肩成扭臂握
stop 停顿
stop 静止
stop 拦网
stop 结束动作
stop 停顿犯规动作
stop in a support 支撑时停顿