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Terms for subject Angling (hobby) (391 entries)
suspended fishing 浮钓
swivel 转环
tackle box 钓具盒
Taiwan angling 台湾钓法台钓
Taiwan fishing 台钓
Taiwan fishing 悬坠双钩钓
Taiwan fishing 双钩长脑线悬坠钓法
telescopic rod 伸缩渔竿
telescopic rod 伸缩钓鱼竿
tension nut 应力螺帽
tip ring 杆尖环
tip section 杆尖
top ring 顶环
trajectory of the baited 诱饵重量轨迹
trajectory of the baited weight 诱饵重量的轨迹
trawl line 排钩
treble hook 3钩
treble hook 三头钩
trellis in overflow 溢流栏鱼栅
triangle 三角钩