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Terms for subject Dentistry (946 entries)
Rotate the brush towards the tips of the teeth 向牙尖部旋转牙刷
scaling 洁治
Scaling is one of the treatments of periodontitis 牙周刮治是治疗牙周炎的一种方法
Sealants keep out the bacteria and food that cause tooth decay 窝沟封闭剂可以防止细菌和食物进入窝沟腐蚀牙齿
second bicuspid 第二前磨牙
second molar 第二磨牙
Sensitive is common in the tooth with a big filling 有大充填物的牙齿敏感很常见
severe (violent) pain 剧痛
sharp pain 锐痛
Should I explain it again? 您明白我说的话吗?
Show me how you brush your teeth at home? 可以给我做个示范您在家怎么刷牙吗?
Since when have you had this condition? 什么时候发现下颌有问题的?
Slide your lower jaw forward 向前伸下颌
slight pain 轻微痛
So you won't feel anything discomfortable 你不会有什么不舒服的感觉
So, it is important to prevent tooth decay 这些对预防龋病非常重要
Social dentistry 社会口腔学
Sometimes we have to pull out the teeth for the treatment 为了正畸治疗,有时我们需要拔除一些牙齿
spontaneous pain 自发痛
staining technique