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Terms for subject Sports (42544 entries)
joint moment 关节力矩
joint motility 关节能动性
joint mouse 关节鼠
joint movement 关节运动
joint of foot 足关节
joint of free upper limb 自由上肢骨连结
joint of hand 手关节
joint pain 关节痛
joint power 关节功率
joint puncture 关节穿刺
joint receptor 关节感受器
joint record holders 共同保持纪录者
joint record holders 纪录共同保持者
joint resultant force 关节合力
joint stiffness 关节僵硬
joint stiffness 关节刚度
joint surface 关节面
joint torque 关节力矩
joint work 关节功
jointed 节的