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Terms for subject Sports (42318 entries)
handle of the racket 拍柄
handle protest 处理抗议
handling 接球
handling 传球
handling 传接球技巧
handling 处理球的技巧
handout 传单
handrail 扶手法
hands on hips 双手叉腰
handshake 握手
handsome and majestic in physique 体魄雄伟
handstand 倒立动作
handstand 手倒立
hang 悬垂
hang 悬挂
hang gliding 悬挂滑翔运动
hang on to the opponent 紧跟对手注释:hang on to 系短语动词,有紧跟之意
hang style 挺身式跳远
hang time 悬空时间