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Terms for subject Anatomy (4350 entries)
flexor hallucis brevis 𧿹短屈肌
flexor hallucis longus 𧿹长屈肌
flexor pollicis brevis 拇短屈肌
flexor pollicis longus 拇长屈肌
flexor retinaculum 屈肌支持带
floating rib 浮肋
flocculonodular lobe 绒球小结叶
flocculus 绒球
foliate papilla 叶状乳头
foot 足部
foramen cecum 盲孔
foramen cecum of tongue 舌盲孔
foramen lacerum 破裂孔
foramen magnum of occipital bone 枕骨大孔
foramen ovale 卵圆孔
foramen rotundum 圆孔
foramen spinosum 棘孔
forearm 前臂