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Terms for subject Informal (547 entries)
get near 接〔逼〕近
get off scot free 安然逃脱
get off scot free 未受损害〔处分〕
get off scot free 逍遥法外
get on (sb.'s) back 麻烦某人
get the breeze up 害怕〔惊慌〕起来
give (sb) the fidgets 使人烦躁不安
give (sb.) a buzz 某人打电话
go at
go at 着手
go at 冲向
go at 攻击
go in (at) one ear and out (at) the other 左耳进右耳出
go in (at) one ear and out (at) the other 当做耳旁风
go off the deep end 走极端
go phut
go phut 成泡影
go phut 告吹
go phut
go phut 不灵