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Terms for subject Swimming (2039 entries)
easy swim 放松游
easy swim 慢游
easy water 静水
easy water 平静的水
eddy resistance 身后制动漩涡阻力
eddy resistance 身后漩涡阻力
edge of the pool 池边
edge of the pool 游泳池边
eel 缮鱼式游泳
eel 鳝鱼式游泳仰卧水上,两手在腰部划进
effective propulsive phase 动作的有效部分
effectiveness of movement 动作效率
effectiveness of the stroke 戈动效力
effectiveness of the stroke 划动效力
efficiency of movement 动作效率
efficiency of the movement 动作效率
efficiency of the pull 划水效率
efficiency of the pull 划水效果
effort swim 奋力游泳
effort swim 强度游