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Terms for subject Engineering geology (39697 entries)
cone bit 锥形金刚石不取芯钻头
cone drop test 落锥试验
cone foundation 锥形基础
cone geyser 锥式间歇泉
cone index 锥尖指数
cone index gradient 锥尖指数梯度
cone method 圆锥法
cone of dejection 冲积锥
cone of depression 下降漏斗
cone of depression 洩降曲線
cone of depression 洩降圓錐•面抽水試驗
cone of detritus 岩屑锥
cone of detritus 冲积锥
cone of detritus 洪积锥
cone of exhaustion 抽水漏斗
cone of exhaustion 下降漏斗
cone of exhaustion 降落漏斗
cone of influence 降落漏斗
cone of influence 影响漏斗地下水
cone of influence 影響錐面斗