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Terms for subject United Nations (8541 entries)
level 1 hospital 一级医院
level 1 hospital" listed in chapter 8 of the COE manual 《特遣队自备装备手册》第8章所列"1级医院"
level 1 medical facilities are considered "force assets", thus available to all members of a united nations mission 一级医疗设备都被视为"部队资产",因此可供联合国特派团所有成员利用
level 4 body armour 四级防护服
level I medical support 一级医疗支援
level II medical support 二级医疗支援
lewisite 路易氏剂
liability for environmental damage 环境损害的责任
Liaison Group meeting on bushmeat 食用森林猎物问 题联络小组
Liaison Group on Non-Timber Forest Products 非木材森林产品问题联络小组
Liberians United for Reconciliation and Democracy 利比里亚人和解与民主团结会
Libreville agreements of 11 January 2013 利伯维尔协定
Libreville process 利伯维尔进程
Licorne force 独角兽行动部队
LICUS Initiative 困难低收入国家倡议
LICUS (Low Income Countries Under Stress) Initiative of the World Bank 困难低收入国家倡议
lid 逆温层顶
lid 大气温度逆增
LIDAR light detection and ranging measurements/airborne systems 机载的激光雷达系统
life and limb saving surgical interventions 挽救生命和肢体的手术干预