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Terms for subject Mathematics (8643 entries)
Tukey's q-test 图基 q 检
Tukey's q-test 图基快速检验
Tukey's quick test 图基 q 检
Tukey's quick test 图基快速检验
Tukey's test 图基统计量
turn around document 往返使用文件
turn around document 周转文件
turning point 转折点,转变点
twinned distributions 孪生分布
two’s complement 补码
two and a half dimension-three wire 二度半三线制
two and a half dimension-two wire 二度半二线制
two and a half dimensional system 二度半法
two components torus 双支环面锚环
two dimension-three wire 二度三线制
two dimension-two wire 二度二线制
two dimensions 〔三〕
two-by-two frequency table ― X频数
two-by-two frequency table 四重表
two-dimensional Poisson process 泊松森林