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Terms for subject Gymnastics (5072 entries)
double trampoline 并列蹦床
double turn 转体 720°
double wave rope 双摇绳
double-elbow horizontal lever 双肘水平撑
double-elbow planche 双肘水平支撑
double-leg circle 双腿全旋
double-leg circle on the outer zone 马端全旋
double-leg circle on the outer zones
double-leg circles from one end of the horse to the pommels 平移进
double-leg circles from one end of the horse to the pommels 平移入
double-leg circles from pommels to the end of the horse 平移出
double-leg circles in cross support front-ways
double-leg circles in cross support frontways (rearways) 头全旋面向内面向外
double-leg circles in cross support on one pommel
double-leg circles in cross support on one pommel 侧撑单环全旋
double-leg circles in cross support rear-ways
double-leg circles in side-support on one pommel 正撑单环全旋
double-leg circles on the pommel 环上全旋
double-leg shoot 双腿弧形射出
double-leg travel circle