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Terms for subject Environment (6284 entries)
EC policy politika ES
EC regulation předpis ES
EC regulation on eco-management and audit předpis ES o řízení ekologickém a auditu
EC regulation on existing chemicals (Regulation designed to identify and control of risks deriving from existing chemicals. According to this program the main goal is the collection of basic information about existing chemicals including their uses and characteristics, environmental fate and pathways, toxicity and ecotoxicity) předpis ES o vyskytujících se chemikáliích
EC Treaty smlouva o ES
echinoderm (Marine coelomate animals distinguished from all others by an internal skeleton composed of calcite plates, and a water-vascular system to serve the needs of locomotion, respiration, nutrition or perception) ostnokožec
eco-balance (An eco-balance refers to the consumption of energy and resources and the pollution caused by the production cycle of a given product. The product is followed throughout its entire life cycle, from the extraction of the raw materials, manufacturing and use, right through to recycling and final handling of waste) rovnováha ekologická
Eco-design Consultation Forum konzultační fórum o ekodesignu
eco-industry ekoprůmysl
eco-industry environmentální průmysl
eco-industry odvětví environmentálních výrobků a služeb
eco-innovation ekologické inovace
eco-paediatrics (Branch of medical science concerning the study and the therapy of children diseases caused by environmental factors) pediatrie ekologická
eco-product ekologicky šetrný výrobek
eco-product zelený produkt
eco-product zelený výrobek
eco-service ekosystémová služba
ecocatastrophe (A sudden, widespread disaster or calamity causing extensive damage to the environment that threatens the quality of life for people living in the affected area or region, potentially leading to many deaths) katastrofa ekologická
ecodesign ekodesign
Ecodesign Consultation Forum konzultační fórum o ekodesignu